Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Great Halloween Costumes For Your Tween

How often do you hear your child say, "I'm too old for this"? And how often do you as a parent reply, "But you're too young for that"? Welcome to the Tweens: a generation of fashion-conscious, fad-loving, filled-with-attitude youth. Your 12-year-old is so moody, she begs for concentration one minute, and then pretends you don't exist the next. You want to keep your 10-year-old in pigtails, but she tells you all the girls are wearing belly shirts.

The word tween is used for children just before their teens "between" childhood and being teenagers, normally 9-12 years of age. Regardless of the exact age definition, most agree that the breaking point of a child becoming a tween is by the fifth grade (approximately ten years old), when he/she rejects more childlike images and associations and aspires to be more like a teenager.

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Whether it's the media aging the child or that children are simply evolving faster these days, marketers have been quick to notice that the growing distinctions between childhood ages are pronounced adequate to warrant products, services, sell shop and marketing tactics exact to the "tweener" age group, and Halloween costumes are no exception.

Finding the perfect Halloween costume isn't always easy, especially for "tweens". At that age kids won't be seen in a costume that makes them look like a baby, but from the parent's point of view, they're still a minuscule too young for the dramatic teenager look. The decision of what costume to wear doesn't seem as prominent for boys as it does for girls, since girls can be a minuscule more dramatic about their appearance at that age.

Today many online Halloween retailers carry collections geared directly toward the "Tween Scene", making it easier for parents and tweens to find a costume that makes everybody happy. Some of the more favorite tween costumes last year were characters from hit movies such as; Hannah Montana, High School Musical and Harry Potter. any way there are also the more traditional tween costumes such as; the pirate, witch, superhero or cheerleader.

So if you're carefully a tween (between the ages of 9-12) or a parent of a tween, there's no need to fret the buying of the Halloween costume this year. There are so many great tween costumes on the shop today the hardest decision you'll have to make is which one to buy!

Great Halloween Costumes For Your Tween

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