Thursday, December 8, 2011

10 Tips to Date a Cougar

There are many reasons a Cougar can appeal to you. When I think of a Cougar, Samantha off "Sex in the City" comes to mind, she plays a vivacious, sophisticated woman with a sexual libido that rivals rabbits in spring.

Although her character is fictional who she portrays is not. Women at older ages are more attune with there wants, needs and desires.

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While Men's sexual durability is slowing down, Women's desire for intimacy is arrival into full bloom. It seems like the worlds cruel joke to have such a wide gap in the ages of sexual maturity but it true, while guys are reasoning about sex in there 20's, women are hitting there peak in their 30's or 40's.

This age gap gives a perfectly logical think why cougars exist but there are other reasons as well.

Men aren't the only ones that get mid-life crisis. Women want to feel young again too but instead of buying that corvette or going skydiving, they look to a younger generation. There are many appeals to dating young. Most younger men don't have any strings attached, a teenage personality, and are more willing to try new things.
Revenge can also be a reason; don't be surprised if your new cougar is recently divorced, like recently divorced professional wrestler Hulk Hogan. When word got out that Hulk Hogan had found a girlfriend that could pass as his daughter it wasn't long after ex-wife Linda Hogan had found a 19 year-old boy toy of her own.

So what are the best tips for getting and keeping a cougar?

1. Treat Her Like A Queen -
Treat any women like a queen and she will be flattered and curious. Pay her compliments, open doors for her, consideration the details. Did she get her nails done? Tell her you love the color.

2. Don't Ever Tell Her She is a Cougar -
It's another double thorough term label put on women that can be offensive. When men go after younger women its ok, but when a women does it, watch out! She's a "cougar".

3. Move to the City -
Places like California and New York see Cougar Dating as the most recent hot trend. Think Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, a very hot couple.

4. Don't Make Her Feel Old -
Just like the feeling you get when a waiter ask you for an Id when buying alcohol you want to replicate that feeling again and again. But don't be fake about it, like saying she looks like Cindy Crawford if she doesn't. Tell her you love how smart she is, or how fabulous her legs look in those jeans.

5. Dating Sites -
These are exceptional places to find Cougar Dates, browse for your cougar in ease of your house and let them come to you.

6. Give Her New Experiences -
Most women are looking to do things they never did when they were younger, whether that is shooting pool at the billiard, going to a concert, or playing mini golf with friends.

7. Don't be to Needy -
Older women are independent and don't want a guy controlling there life.

8. Make her Feel Young but no too Young -
Beer Binging and Halo War parties are out of the question. She doesn't want to feel like she stole you from the crib.

9. Let Her Rule the Bedroom -
She is probably way more experienced in this department, let her show you what she knows and what she likes.

10. Same Expectations -
Make sure you are both on the same page before getting into a deep relationship. Is she looking for a casual relationship or long-term. This is leading to know so you're both not wasting your time.

10 Tips to Date a Cougar

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