Saturday, August 13, 2011

Good and Evil in Lego Hero facility

The battle over good and evil takes on a new life when the heroes and villains of Lego Hero premise enter a child's world of imagination.

The story of Lego Hero premise is an animated one. It deals with two aspects of life or civilization - the fight between good and evil and the decision of one man to confront evil and to create the infrastructure to do so. Akiyama Makuro is the founder of Makuhero City where the Hero premise is located. He built the premise where the heroes are assembled and where they are also endowed with the abilities requisite to fight the villains. The incompatibility between the characters of the two sides, heroes and villains, is also an animated aspect of the storyline behind the series.

Halo Toys

The Hero premise is placed in the Assembly Tower in Makuhero City. The Call town is also situated in the same tower. Whenever an crisis arises in any part of the universe a call for help is placed and received in the Call Center. The nature of the crisis is analyzed; a hero is built or assembled, endowed with the tools and knowledge to deal with the emergency, placed in the Hero Pod and launched on his mission.

The robots can fight evil straight through space or time, producing endless possibilities for play, while the distinct weapons also furnish for endless combinations that can hold the attention of kids for hours.

The incompatibility between the heroes and villains extends beyond the weapons employed by both sides. The color theme is similar to that of Bionicle so that the player can know each character instantly, his character and his main weapon, and also the way in which he can be used. Natalie Breez, the only female character in the first set, has a light green body with a black chassis and red chest plate, the same as the Bionicle color scheme. She uses the power of air for her energized boomerangs. Meltdown, one of the first villains, has a radioactive sludge shooter as his primary weapon as well as a meteor blaster. His Cyclops stare is also a considerable weapon.

Most of the villains in Lego Hero premise use what can be described as dirty weapons. Meltdown, with his radioactive sludge shooter, Rotor with his bio-hazard gas attacks, and Von Nebula with his black hole generating staff, are all bad characters whose weapons contaminate and damage indiscriminately. The main sources of power for the heroes are electricity, the wind and sound. Their use of these elements as a power source is a good indication of their characters.

Good and Evil in Lego Hero facility

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