Monday, March 19, 2012

A overview Of Some coarse Skin Rashes In Babies

Cradle cap is a condition whereby patches of greasy yellow flakes and small pimple-like bumps appear on the scalps of wholesome babies. Sometimes it may appear on the eyebrows, ears and other areas where sebaceous glands are located. It can occur in any baby, and appear while the early weeks of life and will clear by the sixth month. Some dermatologists think that high levels of maternal hormones are transmitted to the baby while the final weeks of pregnancy. This makes the sebaceous (oil) glands in the baby's skin hyperactive which trigger overproduction of sebum which not only overstimulates the increase of new skin cells but also binds the old skin cells into flakes and crusts. It often has a mild unpleasant smell and does not cause any pain to the baby.

Some doctors suggest leaving it alone but I prefer to treat it early because I have seen many cases whereby the crust becomes so thick that whenever it is rubbed, large chunks of hair comes off leaving a very red and raw finding area. Medicine is to apply a liberal estimate of baby oil to the affected area about 20 minutes before the baby's bath. This will allow the crust to come to be soft and easy to remove. while the bath, apply a little baby shampoo to the head and using a soft hair brush or face cloth, moderately brush or rub the crust off. Do this once a day until the crust has been wholly removed. Sometimes it may recur after a few days so continue to wash baby's hair in the same way. Once the baby's sebaceous (oil) glands conclude down the condition will disappear.
N.B. The oil application must be shampooed out to preclude an oily buildup which may make the condition worse. Do not try and remove the crusts and scales with the tip of a fingernail.

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Heat rash consists of tiny blisters filled with sweat. It forms when the pores come to be blocked and preclude the sweat glands from releasing the sweat or when heat and humidity exceed the quality of the sweat glands to cool the body. Babies are especially vulnerable because their quality to sweat is not fully industrialized and they often wear or lie on waterproof materials. It regularly develops colse to the neck, face, armpits and sometimes on the chest and back.

Western medication includes applying calamine lotion and antihistamines for severe itching. Sometimes applying a light dusting of corn starch powder may help to relieve the itchiness. Chinese former remedy is to bath the baby with boiled dried bitter gourd vine daily for 3 days.

It is best to preclude the condition from developing by dressing the baby in light cotton clothes especially in warm or hot weather. Avoid laying the baby on a plastic covered mattress or pad. Do not apply moisturizing cream or lotions or use bath oils for babies under 3 months as these products may clog the pores. Do not over wrap the baby in layers of clothes and swaddling blanket.

Nappy rash is often due to infrequent nappy change causing irritation from ammonia which is released when bacteria starts breaking down the contents of a dirty nappy. It could be due to an allergy to your washing powder or fabric conditioner if your baby wears cloth diapers or a food/drug allergy especially antibiotics. The genital area, buttocks, groins and sometimes the upper thighs will look red and inflamed. It can be dry or moist and sometimes look pimply. Babies with nappy rash may be very fussy and cries often or does not seem bothered at all.

"Prevention is best than treatment" so the best defence against nappy rash is a dry bottom.

Infantile eczema is an itchy dry scaly rash regularly seen on the cheeks or chin, but may show up on the head, trunk, back of arms, or front of legs and is not contagious. It is first noticed at 2 to 5 months of age and is most tasteless in families with history of allergies or asthma. In most cases it will conclude down by the time the child reaches school age but for some it may continue to be a life long problem. The frequency and severity of flare ups can be dramatically reduced with true daily washing using a hypoallergenic soap and applying moisturisers, topical steroids when needed. Avoid trigger factors such as immoderate sweating, woollen clothing, soaps and bubble bath. Sometimes it may be principal to give baby antihistamine if the itch is very intense and is manufacture the baby very irritable.

Sometimes the eczema can come to be infected by bacteria and this causes whole redness, swelling and weeping of the affected area. In this case it may be principal for the doctor to prescription an antibiotic cream together with a steroid cream. Children with severe eczema regularly also have hay fever and asthma.

Urticaria or hives are red or pink raised areas on the skin that are very itchy and warm to the touch. It may appear on any part of the body and regularly last from a few hours to a few days, but can stay for weeks or even months in some cases. Hives are regularly caused by food allergies with the most frequent culprits being eggs, shellfish, chocolate, food additives, colouring or preservatives. It can also be due to allergy to determined drugs or in response to sense with animals especially cats or from insect bites.

It may come on after exposure to extreme temperature especially heat or chemicals. Most often hives will disappear on its own after the allergic reaction is over. If it causes itching and discomfort, the doctor may prescription an oral antihistamine and calamine lotion to apply on the rashes. Avoid giving your child allergy causing food until the hives have subsided. Later try to find the offending culprit by reintroducing the food item one at a time and once you know the offending food it is leading to let your child's caretakers or school teachers know so that the food is avoided. This is because very rarely, hives can found in the mouth and throat which can obstruct the child's airways. You can put this facts on symbol labels on your child's feeding utensils especially in preschools when your child is too young to tell the caretakers.

Traditional Chinese therapy recommends not bathing the child as it will cause more rashes to appear and make the rash itch more. Medicine is to heat up some rice wine and apply it on the rashes 3 times a day. Most often the rashes will disappear after 2 days.

Hand foot and mouth disease (Hfmd) is a skin rash with flat or raised red spots on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and sometimes on the buttocks. Often the rash will form tiny blisters which look like the chickenpox rash but it does not itch. A day or two later the child may found sores or blisters on the tongue, gums and inside of the cheeks. They begin as small red spots on the tongue, gums or mucous membranes which then found into blisters or sores.

It is caused by Coxsackie virus A16 which belongs to a group of viruses called enterovirus and is regularly not serious. Infection is spread by direct sense with saliva, nose and throat discharges, fluid from the blisters or the stool of an infected someone who is most contagious while the first week of the illness. All infected cases recover without medical Medicine by 7 to 10 days. It is most tasteless in the middle of ages 6 months and 4 years. Very rarely, it may be caused by other strain of Coxsackie virus Ev71 whereby the child develops aseptic meningitis or encephalitis (Inflammation of the brain). This strain may be fatal as in the case in Sarawak in 1997.

Treatment is to provide relief from fever or pain from the mouth ulcers and give plenty of fluids. There is no immunization for Hfmd.

Thrush or candidiasis is a fungal infection from Candida albicans. It appears as a red bumpy rash in the diaper area and the bumps are sometimes pus-filled. It may be worse in the skin folds and does not retort to diaper cream. Often the former source of infection is in the mouth which then spreads to the nappy area from the contaminated stools. It regularly starts as a incorporate of white patches on the sides of the mouth and if not treated speedily can spread until the tongue is coated as well. This makes it painful for baby to suckle. The creamy patches look like milk curds and therefore is of course missed. Use a cotton bud to wipe the white patches. If the patches cannot be removed it confirms that the baby has thrush therefore should be taken to the doctor who may prescription Daktarin gel for the oral thrush and cream for the nappy area. If the infection is severe it may be principal for the doctor to prescription Daktacort which has a small estimate of steroid in it to speed up the medical process. All feeding equipment must be boiled wholly for 10 minutes to preclude recurrence.

Roseola infantum or false measles is a viral illness in young children in the middle of the ages of 6 months and 2 years. The rash is pink and may have small flat spots or raised bumps. These spots may have a lighter "halo" colse to them and may turn white if you press on them.

Roseola regularly starts out with a sudden high fever often over 103° Fahrenheit or 39.5° Celsius. while this time, the child may appear fussy or irritable and may have decreased appetite, mild diarrhoea and swollen lymph glands in the neck. The fever typically lasts three to five days and end right away followed by the telltale rash which is regularly seen on the trunk and neck, but it can expand to the limbs and face. The rash may last for any hours or days.

A determination of roseola cannot be made until the fever drops and the rash appears, so the doctor may order tests to make sure that the fever is not caused by other infection.

Roseola is contagious and spreads straight through tiny drops of fluid from the nose and throat of infected people. There is no known way to preclude the spread of roseola. Repeat cases of roseola may occur, but they are not common.

Treatment is to keep your baby well hydrated with lots of fluids and to operate the fever to preclude a febrile seizure as about 10 to 15 percent of children with roseola have a febrile seizure.

A overview Of Some coarse Skin Rashes In Babies

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