Friday, January 13, 2012

Pros and Cons of Video Games For Kids

In this description I'd like to weight some of the pros and cons of video games for kids, because in spite of all the negative press video games get, especially in regard to kids, I do believe there is the potential for a lot of good.

The Cons of Video Gaming for Kids

Halo Toys

Starting with the distinct reasons parents regularly cite for not allowing their kids to play video games, probably estimate one on the list is that it is very bad for their eyes. With the new wave of high vision television sets I'm not sure if eye damage is as bad as the old cathode ray Tvs, but I'm sure it is still not all that good for the eyes, and this is not small to children either. It would be great if a Tv screen could be made that wasn't so harmful... Or at least not to the degree that non-reversible damage is done. So if this issue could be addressed, I'm sure that would take quite a bit of sting out of the debate.

Second on the list is that video games are bad for their brains. In this regard I would have to say it depends on the game, but with the sizable lack of responsibility on the part of the game makers the negative credit is actually deserved. Were the capability of the games a bit higher, with less a degree of wanton violence and destruction, possibly parents would not be so negative to the idea.

Third on the list is that time spent mindlessly playing these games takes away from time that kids could be spending playing 'real' sports, studying or fascinating in capability time with their friends or family. Kids are so busy nowadays that time management has come to be an issue even for 2 year olds, but with a balance of allowable scheduling I'm sure there would not be the need to poo-poo the whole idea of kids playing these games just on that account.

The Pros of Video Gaming for Kids

Turning to some of the pros for kids playing video games I'd like to draw from my own caress of playing video games as a child. Two of the things it taught me were binary logic and hand-eye coordination. These two things have been invaluable throughout my life and either one of them is grounds for additional investigation into this.

In terms of binary logic, while playing the earliest video games I came to understand the idea of yes/no processing. And since all computers are based on this idea, this helped me to specialist the personal computer later on in life. Insight how electrical appliances work and mechanical systems can all be derived from this straightforward Insight and by playing video games it was instilled in my without the least bit of study... Which is quite a difficult way to understand its implications.

Second, in terms of hand-eye coordination, those early games industrialized my reflexes, and response time to the point where they are actually a force to be reckoned with. Again, this has been invaluable throughout my life.

Finding the Middle Ground: Pro meets Con

I'd like to offer a potential explication to all this contingent on the factory that television makers contribute a non-damaging alternative to their current offerings and that is in the forum of Edutainment.

Edutainment, as you might have guessed, is the marriage of entertainment and education. If games were designed that actually taught something and the game makers exercised some responsibility in the games they yield there can be a whole genre of video games that have sizable value.

In future articles I will discuss this idea of edutainment in greater detail, but I believe it is the direction video games need to take in order to make them more acceptable... Anyone less and the cons tend to outweigh the pros which tends to make video games just another endangered species.

Pros and Cons of Video Games For Kids

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