Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Teaching Teenagers the responsibility of a Checking account

So your child is now a teenager. Self-esteem and peer pressure is about to reach an all time high; and brother do I mean an all-time-high.

It is imperative that any teenager cultivates very high self-esteem in today's community if they are going to survive. Sadly, some parent believe that there is nothing they can do to help improve their child's self-esteem. . . But they are wrong. They can help.

Halo Toys

A parent should always offer reassurance to their youngsters; even when they are disappointed with the child's actions. First and foremost; construe to the child your disapproval of their action, if you truly do disapprove. Always, always unblemished your disapproval. . . With an affectionate hug. Be upfront with kids, tell them that you did unintelligent things when you were their age. Let them know that they are not alone in this dog-eat-dog world. This is all new to them, and they think that 'we' (the parents) are perfect. They do not perceive until many, many years later that they are walking in our footsteps. They think we were born '.s..oles'; just as we remember, we idea the same of our parents. Now didn't you?

One of the best ways to help a child gain and attain self-esteem is to give them their very own check book.

Boy can't you just imagine their pride when they can walk up to the counter in the contemplate of their peers; then whip out the old checkbook, and begin to write.

Bingo, parents, you just hit the jackpot; not only with your kid, but all of the immature hierarchy bystanders. Eyes pop... And your kid can now flaunt his prominence. Albeit; you and your kid know the real truth.

Now this is my suggestion. You can build your child's stature in community while helping to gain a head start on maturity, and responsibility.

Take your child with you when you go to your bank. Have your child's name added to your checking account. Of course, you do this only after you have put into place critical preparations.

When you and you child does go the bank; you will tell the bank officer that you want your child to have his very own check book. A check book with only your child's name, address, and telephone amount on the checks using your personal checking account. In other words, your child's name, and signature will be added to you personal checking account. However; the child's name will be on his checks only.

It is Very leading to Never have personal information such as: Driver license number, public protection number, age, or any pertinent information that could be used to fraudulently attain personal knowledge of the check book owner's personal business; now, or in the future. More importantly; be sure that your child understands the significance of this decision. Stress the need to keep this sort of information 100% underground and secure.

Parents. . . This is your moment... This is your golden opportunity... get ready yourself... And I do mean prepare...............

Prepare for this moment. . . get ready for days, weeks, or even months in advance. What am I establishment for? You ask. Well pay close attention to what I am about to say to you. Then with your dinky thinking book of golden rules in your, and yours only, thinking precession, affectionately log these suggestions safely away into your brain's underground safe. Let that information derive affectionate dust in that brain safe. Leave it there until your child has grown up and, maybe, has children of their own.. Then, and only then, you can unlock your brain's underground safe and reveal your confidential.

Now... Let me construe why this is a golden opportunity:

Your are perched up-on your royal thorn in front of God himself, the bank officer. Yeah, in the eyes of a teenager, a bank officer ranks the top of all, even higher than the president of the United States of America. You, parents, are just a dinky low life, compared to that bank officer. If you are about to disagree with me; then you need to put yourself in the mind of your teenager for just a moment. Then you will know your status.

On the other hand, maybe you should just take my word that you rank below a bank officer.

Now it is time for you to adjust your halo and fluff your wings, because you are about to make one of the most leading steps in your child's life. And, I do mean the Most leading Step.

As you are now sitting there in the nearnessy of your teenager, that man that believes that you do not even know that they exist, or they are even alive. Now. . . You address the bank officer, state your child's name clearly, and begin your praise, reflecting to your memorized speech. Lie about it, if it will help! But, what ever you do, make your comments believable, even to yourself. But, most of all, make them believable to your child. Because just at that particular moment, your child is the only man that matters. . . Today, tomorrow, and forever. This is you opening to send that impression to the heart, the sole, and the mind of your child.

It would be a good gesture to touch your child's hand, shoulder, knee, or just make true eye taste with that monster, know as a teenager, that is perched next to you. No matter the gesture just make it real, make it stick, make it believable to your child, because you may never again have such a golden occasion to capitalize on your golden opportunity. So make the best of it... Be 100% prepared.

Now, at this time, you say something of this sort. As you proudly nod to your child, and speak the child's name with the authority of a parent, express your pride, [again, even if you have to tell a dinky lie] say to the bank officer what a great, responsible, and great kid that the officer now is privileged to assist.

You will say something to this effect; "Bank Officer's name, it is so kind of you to take the time to support (child's name) and me. (Child's name) will be needing money real often during middle school, high school, and college educational years. It is so leading that 'a track record' of expenses be kept up to date, that the money is always accounted for, and that it is kept-up within a recorded document. (child's name) and I have discussed the seriousness of this matter. criticism is based on the truth, of course} (Child' name) knows the seriousness of maintaining an accurate check book balance. (Child's name) understands that checks cannot be written unless there is money available in the checking account. Therefore; we have designed a ideas that will work well for the both of us."

I will construe that later in this article.

At this particular time when you say your child's name, you need to make eye taste with your teenager; it is beyond doubt vital at this point; as you continue to speak: "(as you say child's name), we have gone over this so that you (your child) totally understands the undeniable significance of accurate book retention skills, and up-to-date balance of a personal check book account. So now, (child's name) if you have any questions or comments for me or for the bank officer you need to speak-up. Let us write back any questions, concerns, or doubts that you have on your mind."

The above paragraph should be... No, no.. It must be discussed with your child before going to the bank. Make obvious your child understands this. Do Not preach.. Be your child's friend during this process.

And, be very obvious that your child knows how to Post, or log-in an entry in a check book ledger as soon as the check has been written. Impress on your child that he or she documents the exact amount of the written check as well as the exact name for which the check was written. Also, It is always a good idea for description purposes: to document the due date, the paid date, and the reason for writing the check.

Checks that will be legally recognized by the banking system. Checks that will clear as having enough funds when it is run straight through the bank account. Checks that have been written on an catalogue that does have enough funds.

Never... Never.....Never Preprint Driver License # or Birth Date; this should only be written in at check out counter. At which time the writer will be ask to show an Id, such as a Driver's License, and in many cases a current reputation card or some sort of second identification. This is for the protection of the check owner; as well as the payee.

Now you will need to set up some sort of ideas for your child to be able to write checks.

This is my suggestion:

Sit down with your child and outline out how much money that will be needed to adequately cover all of the child's needs for one week, or one month. Now, in your ledger where you would post the checks that you have written. You will write your child's name in the ledger as if you had written a check to your child. Using the total of your child's needs for the forthcoming time span; post that outline in your ( the parent') ledger.

Now, have you child to post that same amount in their check book as if they had made a deposit into the bank.

Note* You must document this transaction in this order, because your child is going to be writing checks that will be drawn on your checking account. But to the child's peers, it looks as if you child has his very own checking catalogue with a check book for that account.

Yet again, I need to stress the significance of fully comprehension this process, and that you make obvious your child fully understands what your are doing.

For example.... Say your child will need and midpoint of .00 weekly. Whow am I optimistic This amount would cover:

Examples such as: School supplies School lunch assistance group Dues Sports expenses Band Club expenses Art club expenses vehicle expenses (normal cost such as gas, insurance, or car payment) Plus appropriate allowance

Therefore; you would write .00 in your ledger. Your child writes a deposit of .00 that has been deposited into your child's check book account.

Now your child will write checks in a normal format. Your child will deduct the amount of the checks that he has written for school lunches from the .00 deposit. You child will treat each transactions in this manner, just as he would a normal checking account. When the child's check book balance nears .00. The child needs to clue you of the low balance. You will again log-in an additional one .00 into your ledger. Your child will post an additional one .00 deposit into his check book. At this time he will add the .00 deposit. Then add that amount to his .00 balance. Now your child has a new check book balance of .00. It is now okay for your child to begin to write checks on that .00 balance.

Parents, it would be advisable for you to set up some guideline that you child will need to cleave to. Make obvious your child understands the consequences of over draft checks.

Remember... You must have the available funds in your checking catalogue before you make a posting in your ledger. Because You are the Responsible Party. always unblemished your check book audits with a compliment as to the excellent job your child is doing with the new responsibility.Only if is true, of course. And this is a excellent opening to take advantage of a 'big hug'. You do not get a hug very often from a teenager.

It is advisable that you audit your child's check book about once a month. More often until you are obvious that the child understands the system.

This opening builds a obvious connection between parent and teenager. It builds a one on one relationship. It builds a child's self-esteem. It instills into your child the significance of good book keeping. It helps to build your child's administration skills. It helps to build your child's responsibility. It will take a enormous load off you. And 'Best of All' You can gain a new lifetime friend.

I know this works.. Because I used this ideas for my teenagers.

And I, also, stressed to my teenagers. "If you are in a group, or are with an additional one peer, and they want to do something that you know is wrong. . . It is sometime awkward to admit that you do not want to get involved. Maybe you need to save face. What ever the reason. . . Don't risk the opening of making your friends angry with you.

Just say to them that you had best not because your Mom is a b-*-h, she will ground me for a month. Or anything it takes... Just blame it on me, Mom. Parent

Remember, I do not have to face you peers tomorrow; but you do.

It is wrong to tell a lie. . . But, sometimes it is necessary. So long as your lie does not harm man else... It is okay if it is told to achieve worthy, respectful outcome."

Good luck, and Best Wishes for your teenager and you.

Teaching Teenagers the responsibility of a Checking account

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