Saturday, January 8, 2011

Halo 3 Tactics

This mini-guide is a variety of the best Halo 3 tactics that I've found. However, it's more focused on creating a long-term strategy, rather then giving you small tips that can only be used in very specific situations. This guide is for population serious about learning allowable Halo 3 tactics.

First of all, you must know the maps, and then know exactly where you are on that map, at any point while a game. Many of the pro's spend time walking around the maps on their own, just to find out all the best spots, and so that they can get a reasoning image of the entire map in their head. Knowing your surroundings is the first key to Halo 3 tactics, as you need to be able to compare your options in a split second, and make an instant decision. You can also learn to position yourself in the most effective spots in the map (usually the high ground), where you have the most visibility, and the most cover. This also means knowing where all of the weapons are, and in particularly the best weapons are. Winning at Halo 3 is generally about having better weapons than your opponents, and gaining the initiative.

Halo Toys

Next, you must know your opponents, and know their strengths and weaknesses. It makes sense to go after the weakest opponents first, particularly in a mass-firefight. Choosing your targets wisely is all about decision making, which is the second key to Halo 3.

When working as a team, it's foremost to cover each other. When sharp as a pairing or a larger group straight through an uncertain area, where enemies could be lurking, it's foremost to cover each other. The best way to control is to have one player move up first, and for the rest to cover him. Then you naturally take turns sharp up, step by step, until you reach your location.

Lastly, one of the most experienced tactics, and my personal favourite, is to set traps for your opponents. What you must do is position your team in a secret location, such as behind a set of rocks, where they are facing and outside a pathway, such as a road. Next, you must engage and enemy, and lead them to believe you can't beat them in battle (by using weak weapons). You need to start running away from them, and lead them towards your ambush.

Halo 3 Tactics


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